This course is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2013 in a practical way. The participants will learn how to use the advance features of Access to help them better manage a database. This course incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advance features right on a computer. This course is meant to provide a safe learning environment where they can practice and learn Access 2013 Advanced functions without worrying about making mistakes. Access 2013 features a new framework that is designed for one purpose―enable users to create data-centric web applications. Taking the time to learn the advanced features of Access 2013 will increase their knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2013 database easier for everyone. Read more
This course is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2013 in a practical way. Participants will learn how to use the basic features of Access to help them better manage a database. This course incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advance features right on their computer. This course is meant to provide a safe learning environment where participants can practice and learn Access 2013 Essentials functions without worrying about making mistakes. Access 2013 features a new framework that is designed for one purpose―enable users to create data-centric web applications. Taking the time to learn the basic features of Access 2013 will increase their knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2013 database easier for everyone. Read more
This course is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2013 in a practical way. This course is designed for advanced users of Access 2013. This course incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advanced features right on a computer. This course is meant to provide a safe learning environment where they can practice and learn Access 2013 Expert functions without worrying about making mistakes. Access 2013 features a new framework that is designed for one purpose―enable users to create data-centric web applications. Taking the time to develop a deep understanding of Access 2013 will increase their knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2013 database easier for everyone. Read more
Learners will gain a fundamental understanding of this database application's environment and basic database principles. They will be able to demonstrate the correct use of key features and the ability to create and maintain tables, relationships, forms, reports, and queries. Read more

ITS - eBUS - 007b - Affiliate Marketing In this unit you will: Learn about Affiliate Marketing from the perspective of both a vendor and an affiliate and see how it can benefit your business. This will be achieved by: - Explaining what Affiliate Marketing is. - Reviewing a series businesses using affiliate marketing successfully. - Learning about some of the most important Affiliate Networks - Setting up and managing an affiliate campaign as a vendor - Setting up a marketing campaign as an affiliate marketer - Learning some advanced tactics to boost your affiliate marketing success! Read more
ITS-03-FIT-005 - Bonds & GuaranteesHere you are going to study different types of bonds and guarantees, their purpose, the parties involved and how they operate. We will also discuss how bonds or guarantees are managed by banks.In this Learning Unit you are going to:- Learn what types of bonds and guarantees there are and how they operate;- Analyse advantages and disadvantages of different types of bonds/guarantees for exporters;- Discuss the parties involved and their responsibilities;- Examine how bonds/guarantees are managed by banks. Having trouble accessing the course? Email us at or contact us on Skype at ebsikiltimagh and we will help you out! Read more
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